Sunday, 6 March 2016


I bet you all guys know it, the things that so addictive from bookstore. A simple shit but yea, realize it or not, it does exist:
The Smell of Bookstore

I don’t know is it just me or everybody feel the same. Bookstore just have that kind of smell. The small that so relaxing and make you want to jump into those full of books sea.

Yesterday I bought my monthly needs in Detos. Just to kill the time, I visit a bookstore, I know I’m about to broke. But, I just can’t help myself to not visit the bookstore.
I promised myself to do not buy any.


I wouldn’t buy any.



Even my heart doubted my own self. I put 60k in my pocket, whispering: Just in worst case scenario, If I can’t help myself to do not buy any. I would just buy something below 60k

So I stepped myself in

At the front, I saw Boy Chandra’s book. That was his 7th or 8th book. Well, it amazed me. It was when he about to publish his first book (Origami Hati) when we met. When I was a reporter for a local newspaper. But look, now he’s a star. He got his 7th, and, damn, it makes me wondering: What have I done all this time? I keep wondering I’m going to publish my very own book but, ah---

What a shame.
So I continued to see another book, and it was like:

“OMFG its look interesting”
“Oh shit no way this is what I’m looking for”
“Oh I really curious how great this one”
“Ohmy, I always wanted to buy this one”

And that was how it gone

It was a really tough decision which one to buy

But then

I saw this book. And yea, I fell for that:”)

The price tag showing 85k
Its upper than my budget at the very beginning

I Can’t help my self
Then I told my heart it’s Okay, Habiburrahman El Shirazy will not disappoint us, right?
I decide to buy this. My head did the math. I’ll buy 6 GB internet quota instead of 10 GB as I used to. So the money that I used to buy packet data would go for this book instead.
It’s okay. It’s Okay. Smart decision, Fira. You won’t have a lot of time to browse. You have a book to read.
I cheered myself.
Well yea
I just fall quite often in bookstore. :”)